Sunday Call
During my third year of college at U.S.L, I was living in Voorhies dormitory. My father, who lived in Las Vegas, would call me every Sunday at 6:00 P.M. Since no one had phones in their room, and cell phones had not been invented, I had to make sure that the pay phone in the hall was not being used when he called.
On one Sunday, while I was waiting for my father’s call, I came across some guys in the dorm talking about Law School. Curious, I asked, “What does it take to get into Law School?” The answer was, “you have to have good grades and make a good score on the L.S.A.T. Test.”
Immediately, I had an idea. Every Sunday, my father ended our talk by asking if I had decided what I was going to do. This Sunday when he asked the question, I would be prepared with an answer. My father’s call came at 6:00, as always. And as always, he ended the conversation by asking if I had decided what I was going to do.
This time I answered, “I’ve been thinking about Law School,” careful not to explain that I had only been thinking about it for a few minutes.
I will always remember my father’s next words, “I’ll call Edwin.”
(Read "Determination Prevails" for more).