Chasing a Unicorn
Anyone who knows me knows that I love, love, love old cars. The first car that I ever owned was a 1957 Chevy, that I bought while I was still in high school. Sadly, it didn't take me long to tear the car up. But I learned an important lesson that cars, especially old cars had to be taken care of.
Shortly after I graduated from Law School, I became aware of the 1962 Corvettes. The last year of what would become known as the C-1 generation of corvettes, the 1962 - was a car that I really wanted.
Remember, this was many, many, years before the internet. If a person wanted a unicorn car, their choices were to either look in the classified ads of the newspaper or perhaps go to a bookstore and buy a Hemming's Motor news magazine. With those being my primary, or perhaps only, means of searching for a particular car, it began to feel like I was chasing a unicorn.
And I came close to finding my unicorn several times. I ended up buying a 1958 Corvette. Years later I bought a 1967 Corvette. Still, several years later I bought a 1957 Corvette.
In truth, I had almost given up on ever acquiring a 1962 Corvette. This October I went to Cruising the Coast in Biloxi and on the side of the road, with a for sale sign, I spotted a black 1962 Corvette with a red interior (my dream car). I convinced my friends to circle back and before long I was standing next to the car.
My grandmother used to tell me if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. When I called the number on the for sale sign, the seller quoted me a price that was incredibly high. Disappointment engulfed me.
All the way back to Louisiana the next day, I thought about the black 1962 Corvette with the red interior. Then something incredible happened. I received a notice from eBay that a seller of a 1962 Corvette, out of Dallas, Texas, had dropped the price. And yes it was black and red.
The listing on eBay expired, but I was like a hound after a scent. It took some time and effort but the black 1962 Corvette with red interior is now mine.