Last night, I was watching an episode of Superman and Lois on HBO Max. Not surprisingly, an evildoer was using kryptonite to try to kill superman. Suddenly, I remembered the time in 2000, while I owned Grant Street Dance Hall when I received a call from a local radio station. They wanted to co-promote a show with me at Grant Street.
The band that they wanted to promote the show for was 3 Doors Down, from Biloxi, Mississippi area. The song Kryptonite was breaking big on the radio, so I was very happy to agree.
The show was a huge success. Two things stand out to me. The first is how polite the young members of the band were. And second, is that all the band members' parents drove over from Biloxi for the show. Every parent came up and thanked me for giving their sons the chance to play a “big” show at Grant Street.
Of course, neither their parents nor I had any idea their sons would go on to play stadiums and become huge stars. I also had no idea that they would still be making music over 20 years later.
