Year 2 in the Cricket Club
Through a combination of unforeseen circumstances, the second year of the Cricket Club was very nearly the last year, the incredible...

Justifiable Homicide
As a freshman at LSU Law school, I remember taking Criminal Law with a nice, elderly professor named Dale Bennett. It was one of the few...

Last night, I was watching an episode of Superman and Lois on HBO Max. Not surprisingly, an evildoer was using kryptonite to try to kill...

Just Say No
As a young boy growing up in DeQuincy, my grandmother was my rock, I could always count on her to point me in the right direction. When...

Blind Hog Finds Acorn
As a young child, I sometimes got upset when things were beyond my reach. My grandmother, who was my rock, would often tell me, “Don’t...

Don’t Invite the Police to Search Your Car
When my grandson was 17, I gave him a Toyota 4-Runner with 200,000 miles that I took as a fee in one of my cases. He promptly blacked out...

Is Pretrial Intervention Right for You?
The office of the District Attorney for the 15th Judicial District offers a diversionary program called pretrial intervention. If someone...

Experience Matters
Suppose that you have been arrested and charged with committing a serious crime. Does it really matter if you hire an attorney with as...

Every Case Is Different
Over the many years that I have been practicing criminal defense law, clients or potential clients have repeatedly made the same mistake...

Five Pounds of Attitude
About a year and a half ago, I was feeling lonely and decided that I wanted to get a pet. After doing some modest research on the...